Housing is challenging.  From building it to financing it to owning it, challenges abound.  How do we build high quality housing for lower income homeowners?  How do we right the wrongs of past racial discrimination?  How do we ensure that everyone who needs a place to live has one?  How do we achieve these goals without destroying value where it already exists?

At Protecdiv, we believe that safe, high quality, affordable housing should be available for all.  We believe that incremental improvements can have dramatic effects over time.  We believe that there are solutions, as complex as they may be, that can be readily achieved and implemented.  And we believe that reinsurance capital is key to actualizing these solutions.

If you’re interested in building a better, more equitable housing market, let’s talk.  Let us tell you about our new analytics that provide fairer assessments of borrower risk.  Let’s discuss how we can leverage programs that currently exist to create new, impactful value.  Let us describe how the reinsurance marketplace can deliver efficient, nimble capital to help achieve your housing goals.

Contact us to find out how we can help you deliver a more just housing market.